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Subscription Management Overview

To Manage Subscriptions click on Sell (1) then click on the Subscriptions (2) tab then find the Subscription you want to manage and click the Pencil (Edit) Icon.

To delete a Subscription click on the X (Delete) Icon.


Upon the page refresh you'll find all of the elements of Subscription Management. Manage each individual element by clicking the Up/Down Arrows.

Package Profile - This element represents the details of the subscription.

Automated Emails - This element is for managing outbound emails to subscribers.

Content Categories - This element is for managing content categories for better organization of content.

Content - This element is for managing content.

Subscribers - This area is for managing subscribers.


Package Profile

To Manage the Package Profile click the Vertical Arrow (3) and the screen will display the Package Profile fields.

Package Name - The Package Name is essentially the Product or Subscription Name.

Listing Status - The Listing Status determines if your product is seen by store visitors or if it is hidden from store visitors.

Renewal Lockout - Renewal Lockouts allows a subscription to silently expire without any subscribers renewing.

Subscription Type - Subscriptions can be Digital or Tangible Services such as magazines or support.

Offer Free Trial - Free Trials are applied to all of the subscription options. The number of days the trial is good for is required.

Free Trial Length - This is the number of days the subscriber free trial is good for.

Store - Choose the store that the subscription being created will apply to.

Billing Options - Billing options define the Billing Cycle, Renewal Type, and Price. Billing Options are unlimited.

Image Representation - The image you choose to represent the subscription will be seen in some store modes and within the buyers dashboard.

Short Description - The Short Description will be seen in some store modes and within the buyers dashboard.

Long Description - The Long Description will only be seen in some store modes when reviewing subscription package details.

Edit them as desired and click the Save Changes (4) button.


Automated Emails

To Manage Automated Emails click the Vertical Arrow (5) and the screen will display the Automated Email fields.

Emails can be enabled and disabled as well as custom messages can be added by using the large text box. A preview of the email is available when clicking on the Preview Email link.

Below are the emails and what they are used for.

Manual Subscriber Welcome - The Manual Welcome email is sent whenever you manually add a subscriber to a subscription. This email does NOT get sent to subscribers who purchased through your store's checkout area.

Manual Renewal Confirmation - The Manual Renewal Confirmation email is sent as a receipt to users who manually renew their subscription.

Upcoming Renewal Reminder - The Upcoming Renewal Reminder email is sent as a friendly reminder to users who must manually renew their subscription.

24 Hour Renewal Reminder - The 24 Hour Renewal Reminder email is sent as a friendly reminder to users who must manually renew their subscription. This is the last email users will receive before their subscription gets cancelled (suspended).

Suspension Notice - The Suspension Notice email is sent to notify users on manually renewed subscriptions to inform them that they failed to renew their subscription, and it has been suspended as a result. They can still renew their subscription at any time.

Recurring Payment Approved - The Recurring Payment Approved email gets sent to users who are on an automated billing subscription, and is sent to them when the system successfully completes an automated/scheduled transaction on their card on file.

Recurring Payment Failed - The Recurring Payment Failed email gets sent to users who are on an automated billing subscription, and is sent to them when the system fails to complete an automated/scheduled transaction on their card on file.

Edit them as desired and click the Save Changes (6) button.


Content Categories

To Manage Content Categories click the Vertical Arrow (7) and the screen will display the Content Category fields.

To add a Category click the Add Category (8) button. A field will appear, just type the desired category name and click the Save Category button.

To edit a Category click the Pencil (Edit) Icon next to the category you want to edit. The field will appear at the bottom of the list of categories and will allow you to edit the text. Once edited just click the Save Category button.

To Sort Categories hover over the category you want to sort, click it, then drag it vertically above or beneath another category. It will automatically save. Your sort order will be reflected in the buyers dashboard.



To Manage Content click the Vertical Arrow (9) and the screen will display current content and allow the addition of new content.

To add New Content click the Add Content (10) button. Learn How To Add Content

To edit Existing Content click the Edit (11) button.

To delete Existing Content click the Delete (12) button.

When editing content you'll need to apply the desired adjustments to the following fields.

Content Name - This is the name of the content that subscribers will see in the buyers dashboard.

Category - Use this area if you have set up categories of content.

Recipients - Content can be delivered to all subscribers or individual subscribers.

Send Emails - This feature enables you to send emails to your subscribers letting them know that content is available. This feature requires the purchase of email credits and each for each email that is sent a credit is used. Alternatively emails can be sent from your own email account letting your subscribers know that new content is available. This feature is only valid for new content.

Stream Host - This field allows you the choice of streaming vendors. For non-live streaming the default choice will be Content Shelf. For live streaming you'll need to have an account.

Dropbox Settings - This feature allows or disallows subscribers to send files to their Dropbox® account.

Update Message - If sending emails this area allows you to add a custom messages by using the large text box. A preview of the email is available when clicking on the Preview Email link.

Description - This Description will represent the content within the buyer dashboard.

PDF Protection - This feature operates as four separate attributes (Password Protection, Disable Printing, Disable Copying, Digital Fingerprinting).

Video Settings - This setting allows you to choose how users can access all attached video files.

Audio Settings - This setting allows you to choose how users can access all attached audio files.

Display Image - This Display Image will represent the content within the buyer dashboard. You'll need to click the "Show Image Manager" button to access images. Remember to click the + icon to associate the images.

Content Files - The content you choose will be seen within the buyer dashboard. You'll need to click the "Show File Manager" button to access digital content. Remember to click the + icon to associate the content files.

Upon completion of your edits click the Save button.

Note - Email updates are not available when editing content.



To Manage Subscribers click the Vertical Arrow (13) and the screen will display the Subscriber fields.

To manually add a Subscriber click the Add Subscriber (14) button. Learn How To Add Subscribers

To edit an existing Subscriber choose the Subscriber and click the Pencil (Edit) Icon. Using the Search field will help find a subscriber quickly, just type in the email address or the subscribers name.

To delete a Subscriber click on the X (Delete) Icon.


When editing subscribers you find the following fields.

Subscriber Number - This is the unique subscriber identification number. This is a Non-Editable field.

Creation Date - This is the date of subscription activation. This is a Non-Editable field.

Automated Billing - For Recurring Billing Only. This is a Non-Editable field.

Stored Credit Card - For Recurring Billing Only. Shows the last 4 of the card. This is a Non-Editable field.

Email Address - This is the email address of the subscriber.

First Name - This is the first name of the subscriber.

Last Name - This is the last name of the subscriber.

Address - This is the address of the subscriber.

Address 2 - This is the second address of the subscriber (if applicable).

City - This is the city of the subscriber.

State/Province - This is the state or province of the subscriber.

Country - This is the country of the subscriber.

Postal Code - This is the postal code of the subscriber.

Base Charge Cost - This is the charge amount for each billing cycle.

Next Charge Cost - This is the first charge but will revert to the Base Cost when next charge is made.

Next Charge Date - This is the date that the subscriber will be charged.

Billing Cycle - This is the frequency of the charge. This can be different than the Billing Cycle that was set up for the package.

Renewal Type - This will be based on Package Profile.

Status - This shows if the subscriber is active or not active. If not active the subscriber will not have access to content.

Payment History - This shows the subscribers payment history. Note the first charge of a subscription is not shown due to the possibility that it may have been part of a larger order. All subsequent payments are shown. For original history see the Sales Management Reports and search by this subscribers email.

Upon completion of your edits click the Save (15) button.


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